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Contact Us

Contacting the Nebraska Chapter of DECA

If you wish to contact Nebraska DECA, you can do so here:

Mailing Address

Nebraska DECA
PO Box 57308
Lincoln, NE 68505

Shipping Address

6401 Q Street
Ste. 100 – 57308
Lincoln NE 68505

Mary Janssen
Nebraska DECA State Advisor
Nebraska Department of Education
500 S. 84th St, 2nd floor
Lincoln, NE 68510-2611


Email: [email protected]

Maggie Schneider
Nebraska DECA State Officer and Events Coordinator
Nebraska Department of Education
500 S. 84th St, 2nd floor
Lincoln, NE 68510-2611
Email: [email protected]

Contacting the International DECA organization:

If you wish to contact the International DECA organization, you can do so here:

1908 Association Drive
Reston, VA 20191
Phone: (703) 860-5000
Fax: (703) 860-4013
E-mail: [email protected]