Nebraska Scholarships
Nebraska DECA Scholarship Awards – Due to Nebraska DECA by January 15!
Email completed application and forms to [email protected].
The Nebraska DECA Association has developed a scholarship program to provide students with scholarship funds to further their education and training upon graduation from high school. These scholarships are open to all graduating senior members of Nebraska DECA.
To apply for the scholarships, the senior must complete the application form and submit it to Nebraska DECA by January 15. Any necessary attachments must be included with the application at that time.
The State DECA Scholarship Committee will review and rank the applications and forward the award winners to the DECA State Advisor for announcement during the State Career Development Conference.
Awards will be paid to the student recipients of the Nebraska DECA scholarships following receipt of the student’s official transcript by the State DECA Association for first semester classes. In the event an award winner does not use the scholarship, the next highest ranking applicant will receive the award.
We highly recommend that students apply for the various scholarships and encourage chapter advisors to interest students in the scholarships available.
The Nebraska DECA Association will award as many scholarships as funds will allow at the State Career Development Conference. Other scholarships may be funded by private associations, companies, or individuals through donations. All such scholarships will use the Nebraska DECA application forms.
Nebraska DECA Scholarship Application Checklist:
- Application is complete in every detail.
- Official transcript of high school and/or postsecondary grades attached.
- Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or American College Testing program (ACT) score(s) provided.
- DECA participation and accomplishments documented.
- Evidence of leadership, responsibility, and character in DECA experiences provided.
- One letter of recommendation included from one of the following individuals:
- Marketing Education teacher/DECA Advisor
- School administrator
- Employer (if applicable) or other individual familiar with the applicant’s scholarship and leadership abilities.
- Supplemental resume which might be useful to the scholarship review committee included (limited to two pages).
DECA, Inc. Scholarships
DECA, Inc scholarships are applied for via their online system. Applications due to DECA, Inc by January 10th!
DECA has a wide variety of over 80 scholarships that are offered to our members through our corporate sponsors. Visit to see a list of available scholarships and for application information.